Advanced Physiological Analytics In Swimming

Redefine Swimmers’ Limits with Advanced Analytics Backed by Science

Analyze, understand, and optimize athlete performance like never before. INCSYD delivers a comprehensive metabolic profile, encompassing VO2max, VLamax, swimming economy and both aerobic and anaerobic energy contribution. Every metric, every detail, all in one place with flexible testing.

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Advanced Physiological Analytics In Swimming

Redefine Swimmers’ Limits with Advanced Analytics Backed by Science

Analyze, understand, and optimize athlete performance like never before. Every metric, every detail, all in one place with flexible testing.

INCSYD delivers a comprehensive metabolic profile, encompassing VO2max, VLamax, swimming economy and both aerobic and anaerobic energy contribution. 

The Gold Standard in Swimming Analytics

Chosen by Elite Teams, Coaches, Universities, and Federations Around the World for Unparalleled Swimming Insights

Create a 360° Metabolic Profile

Dive deep into the physiology of your athletes with INSCYD’s comprehensive metabolic profiling. From simple tests to actionable strategies, transform raw data into a ‘physiological avatar’ guiding coaches to excellence.

Holistic Performance Profiling

Obtain all essential metrics every time you test, offering a detailed performance snapshot. Visualize and interpret each metric for strategic formulation.

Master Swimming Economy

Analyze the balance between speed and energy expenditure, ensuring athletes achieve optimal performance

Aerobic vs Anaerobic Energy Contribution

Understand the interplay of aerobic vs. anaerobic energy contribution. See how it effects swimming performances in different distances.

Performance Benchmarks

Access over 30 physiological metrics. See how swimmer's physiological capabilities rank against others athletes.

Your Portable Lab with
Flexible Testing, Anytime, Anywhere

INSCYD revolutionizes metabolic testing by offering lab-grade accuracy without visiting the physical lab. Obtain comprehensive metabolic profiles and performance metrics in real-world conditions. From routine training sessions to race simulations, INSCYD adapts, ensuring you get the insights you need, when and where you need them.

Lab-grade accuracy without visiting the physical lab. Obtain comprehensive metabolic profiles and performance metrics in real-world conditions. From routine training sessions to race simulations, INSCYD adapts, ensuring you get the insights you need, when and where you need them.

Flexible testing protocols

Tailor testing protocols to your needs with a mix of efforts, styles, and strokes. Use reverse extrapolation for accurate VO2 measurements and seamlessly integrate heart rate data.

All-in-One Test

Instead of conducting separate tests for each performance parameter, now capture all vital metrics in a single test session.

Adaptable Testing Environments

Test in the lab, in the pool during training, in race-like conditions, or even during actual race. Gather precise data seamlessly and analyze outcomes across all testing protocols.

Efficient Group Testing

Test an entire team of in few hours, ensuring minimal disruption to training schedules while maximizing data collection.

Create Actionable Data-driven
Training Programs

Create Actionable Data-driven Training Programs

Harness the power of data to craft training programs that resonate with an swimmer’s unique physiological profile. Dive deep into endurance metrics, aligning them with specific goals, and ensure every training intervention is laser-focused for peak results.

Training Zone Builder

Transition from conventional methods to precise, data-driven zones tailored for each swimmer. Visualize individual physiological reactions to any training method that you prescribe.

Monitor Progress

Monitor and assess swimmer's progress over time. Gain unparalleled insights into training adaptations, ensuring every session aligns with desired outcomes.


Understand precisely the effect of a change in any physiological metric on the overall performance of your athlete.

Comprehensive Database

Every assessment adds depth to an athlete's personal database.This database can be further enriched by uploading historical data.

Ready to Transform Swimmers' Performance?

Let INSCYD Help Your Elevate Your Training Programs. Harness the Science-backed Insights Now!

INSCYD partner DSV

Ready to Transform
Swimmers' Performance?

Let INSCYD Help Your Elevate Your Training Programs. Harness the Science-backed Insights Now!

The Real Impact: Hear from Others

The Real Impact: Hear from Others

Dive Deeper: Webinars & Case Studies on
Swimming Performance

Dive Deeper: Webinars & Case Studies on Swimming Performance

Swimming Webinar

This webinar covers everything you need to know about swimming performance tests. From the test (protocol) itself, to the results and application.

Alexander Törpel (Head of Diagnostics – German Swimming Federation) talks about the application of test results in training. You’ll get unique insights into the (longitudinal) development of performance metrics, of 2 Professional National swimmers.

Case Study

Performance testing in swimming. This case study is about an 800 meter National Swimmer who is not able to keep up with her teammate during training and racing. Observations and lactate measurements seem to indicate she needs to improve her aerobic energy system, but this turns out to be a false assumption.

Swimming Webinar

This webinar covers everything you need to know about swimming performance tests. From the test (protocol) itself, to the results and application.

Alexander Törpel (Head of Diagnostics – German Swimming Federation) talks about the application of test results in training. You’ll get unique insights into the (longitudinal) development of performance metrics, of 2 Professional National swimmers.

Case Study

Performance testing in swimming. This case study is about an 800 meter National Swimmer who is not able to keep up with her teammate during training and racing.

Performance testing in swimming. This case study is about an 800 meter National Swimmer who is not able to keep up with her teammate during training and racing. Observations and lactate measurements seem to indicate she needs to improve her aerobic energy system, but this turns out to be a false assumption.

Highest Accuracy - Scientifically Proven

At INSCYD, we prioritize accuracy and reliability. Our Advisory Board serves as a point of reference on scientific knowledge and methodology. They provide independent and objective advice on scientific matters to aid product development and scientific validation.

The scientific Advisory Board is composed of internationally recognized scientists in the area of human physiology and high-performance practitioners.

Highest Accuracy - Scientifically Proven

At INSCYD, we prioritize accuracy and reliability. Our Advisory Board serves as a point of reference on scientific knowledge and methodology. They provide independent and objective advice on scientific matters to aid product development and scientific validation.

The scientific Advisory Board is composed of internationally recognized scientists in the area of human physiology and high-performance practitioners.

Get Your Free INSCYD Account

Experience the transformative power of INSCYD firsthand. Dive into unparalleled swimming analytics and redefine performance boundaries. Secure your free demo account today and embark on a journey to swimming excellence.


Still have questions? Book a call with our INSCYD experts and discover how you can redefine the limits of swimming performance. We will walk you through how our platform can specifically benefit you, answer any questions you may have, and help you make the most out of INSCYD


Book a call with our INSCYD experts and discover how you can redefine the limits of swimming performance.