INSCYD Functions
Power Performance Decoder
Power output might be the single most important metric during a training ride, however it doesn’t tell you what to train to increase your power. The power that an athlete produces is composed of several physiological factors.
With the INSCYD Power Performance Decoder (PPD) test, you can measure all relevant physiological components, using only a power meter (in cycling) or GPS watch (in running).
Forget about conventional FTP & Power Testing
Conventional and simple two-dimension “power versus duration” models (Monod-Scherer and similar) can’t explain how a power output is composed. Therefore, using those methods, will never make you understand your physiological limits and what offers the biggest room for improvement.
How the Power Performance Decoder works
- Instruct your athlete to carry out four specific maximum efforts of a duration of 20 seconds, 3 minutes, 6 minutes and 20 minutes.
- Use additional power data from non test-specific data if desired (not necessary).
- Receive the data from the athlete via a training platform (TrainingPeaks or similar) or via email.
- Enter the specific power values of the maximum tests into INSCYD.
- Receive a full physiological performance profile of ALL the metrics that are available in INSCYD (VO2max, VLamax, FatMax, anaerobic threshold, carbohydrate combustion, aerobic and anaerobic energy contribution, and more).
How to use the PPD in the INSCYD software.
Fast Talk Laboratories about the INSCYD PPD.
Schedule a free personal demo and ask all your PPD related questions:
The human performance lab you always wanted
Without visiting a lab, you can obtain a full performance profile of your athlete – and obtain the same result you could only get in the best equipped labs.
More specifically, with the INSCYD power performance decoder test you now can:
- Obtain physiological data where it matters: on the road, on the bike, on a track.
- Ensure lab test accuracy: determination of VO2max, VLmax, anaerobic threshold is en par with lab testing!
- Maximize: the use of power meters, smart trainers and power based training.
- Understand how a power output is composed and what has to be done in training to improve it.
- Invest minimal time: unlike lab testing you don’t need to invest more then five minutes to obtain a full performance report of your athlete.
- Increase revenue of your coaching business as you can now offer lab-level testing to any remotely coached athlete anywhere in the world.
Learn more about the PPD cycling and PPD running
Want to know more about the INSCYD PPD test?
- Here’s more about the running PPD
- Curious how accurete the cycling PPD is? Check out this undercover test/validation
- Perform a PPD test. Find your INSCYD coach.
- Become an INSCYD coach. Start with a demo!