INSCYD'er and short distance runner Vanessa Scaunet during the European Championships Indoor, Torun 2021.

More and more running coaches use INSCYD to create better training programs and race pacing for their athletes. This blog covers the story of Vanessa Scaunet, who was able to switch her running goal from a 2k cross country to an 800m track race, within 10 days.

Cross country runner Vanessa Scaunet became an INSCYD’er when she performed an outdoor field-test in cooperation with the RUNNING AND MORE lab.

“Because of the test I can now prepare for the upcoming seasons and finetune my trainings to reach my goals!” – Vanessa Scaunet


At that time of her test, Vanessa was preparing for the National Championship cross country short distance: 2000 meters, a distance that is covered in around 7 minutes.

The power demand of such a race is approximately 5.7 W/kg or 2160 Joule/kg. The energy contribution however, differs per person. With Vanessa having a high VO2max and a medium VLamax, approximately 87% of the energy is covered by her aerobic metabolism and only 13% is covered by her anaerobic energy.

Because Vanessa had her metabolic profile in INSCYD, she and her coach where aware of how she produced the needed energy for a 2000m race and knew what her limitations are. For a race of almost 7min, an increase in VO2max would allow her to run faster. On the other hand, the (anaerobic) glycolytic power of the VLamax was already sufficient for a 7 minute race.

To increase VO2max and maintain VLamax, her coach chose specific interval training. Creating highly individual interval training is easy using the INSCYD lactate- and recovery graph

More about that in this blog.

“With INSCYD we were able to optimize her interval training because we knew the exact work-recovery ratio.” – Ivo Roelandt, trainer of Scaunet


While Scaunet was preparing for a 2000 meter cross country, she received a phone call at the end of February, saying she was qualified for the European Championships indoor: 800 meters. A distance that is covered in just around 2 minutes.

The question arose: does it make sense to accept such an unexpected invitation 10 days before an event that is 3.5 times shorter in time length than what you are preparing for? Of course, Scaunet accepted the invitation to the European Athletics Indoor Championships — who wouldn’t?!  She not only accepted it because it is an honor to participate, but she knew she was able to race at a highly competitively level, thanks to the INSCYD test. How?

Predict running race performance

Luckily, Vanessa and her coach used the Performance Projection to get a better understanding of the race demands at the European Championships. The Performance Projection (see video below) allows a coach to simulate any race distance and any speed, based on the real metabolic profile of an athlete.


To cover the 800m in around two minutes, her power output or total energy demand would be approximately 127% of what she was used to in the 2000m race.

Such a high power output equals an oxygen demand of about 83 ml/min/kg. However, Vanessa’s VO2max is in the mid 60s range.

The metabolic demand (oxygen demand) increases when running speed increases. The actual oxygen uptake depends on how well the aerobic energy system is developed. The difference between metabolic demand and energy production via the aerobic system is covered by the anerobic energy system.

“INSCYD shows how the aerobic system and the anaerobic [glycolytic] system interact, like no other standard test does.” – Ivo Roelandt, trainer of Scaunet

This means, almost 20 ml/min/kg of oxygen demand cannot be covered by her aerobic metabolism. Therefore, this needs to be covered by anaerobic – mostly glycolytic – energy. As a result, the aerobic energy contribution is decreased to approximately 72% (instead of 87% during the 2000m), while the anaerobic energy contribution is increased to approximately 28% (instead of 13% during the 2000m).


Knowing the new race demands was interesting, however Vanessa and her coach only knew those demands 10 days before the race. It was too late to change the training program, but predicting the future race performance offered great insight for future training! Let’s have a look.

The INSCYD lactate recovery and accumulation graph shows how fast lactate accumulates at any intensity. Knowing Vanessa’s profile, she is able to reach a maximal lactate concentration of approximately 13-14 mmol/L when fully exhausted. When dividing the maximal lactate concentration by the duration of the race, we know the maximal lactate accumulation rate.

For example, the cross-country race that Scaunet was preparing for at first would take about 7 minutes. With a maximal lactate concentration of 14 mmol/L, the maximal lactate accumulation rate may not exceed 2 mmol/L per minute (14 ÷ 7 = 2). Otherwise, she would hit the maximal lactate tolerance before the finish line.

The lactate recovery- and accumulation graph below, shows that the running speed (x-axis) at a lactate accumulation rate of 2 mmol/l/min (y-axis) is approximately 5.4 m/s.

Knowing this speed enables coaches to create a pacing strategy for a race and helps them predict (running) race performance.

The Lack of Pyruvate & Lactate accumulation graph shows how fast your athlete accumulates lactate (fatigue) at any given intensity. The lactate accumulation depends on the lactate production in the Glycolytic system (VLamax), lactate combustion in the Aerobic system (VO2max) and body composition

However, Vanessa now had to prepare for a 2 minute race. In our example, this would allow for a lactate accumulation rate of 7 mmol/L per minute (14 ÷ 2 = 7). By looking at the pace that matches this lactate accumulation rate, Scaunet’s trainer was immediately able to see whether this was a competitive pace. And it was…

This can be seen on the lactate curves that are created, using the performance projection in INSCYD. This shows a lactate curve for the 2000m and the 800m, using Vanessa’s already existing metabolic profile derived from her first INSCYD test. Using this graph, it is now pretty simply to read her speed at her maximum lactate concentration….

The lactate graph shows the lactate concentration (y-axis) at the finish, depending on running speed (x-axis) and distance.

Further improvements

The performance projection allows her coach to “play around” with her metrics as well. Instead of only projecting her performance for a yet unknown race, it is also possible to edit one or several of the metrics of her metabolic profile. He can then find out how much time she saves with a higher VO2max, how gaining or losing 1kg of body mass affects her race results, or what the maximum lactate concentration would be if she increases her VLamax by doing more anaerobic training.

All this can be answered BEFORE prescribing a training program or signing up for the next Championships.

European Athletics Indoor Championships – Torun 2021

Vanessa Scaunet survived the qualifications and made it to the semi-finals. She finished in 18th position at Europeans. We want to congratulate Vanessa Scaunet on her performance and thank the performance lab and her coach for sharing this story.

Want to know how you can better train and coach your running athletes, using INSCYD? Schedule a free personal demo now!

Part 2. Metrics all Runners should know: Lactate accumulation and Recovery

In the previous blog we talked about the importance of knowing fundamental running metrics like VO2max, VLamax, Fat combustion and Carbohydrate combustion. We saw how knowing those metrics makes you a faster runner instantaneously. In this blog we’ll show you how knowing your lactate accumulation and recovery will optimize interval training. How VO2max and VLamax…

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Infographic - Peak and Fade (Pre Loaded) Intervals

How Peak and Fade (Pre Loaded) Intervals Can Boost Athletic Performance

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Cycling at FatMax

Why FatMax is not the best endurance training intensity per se

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Cross Country (XC) Skiing performance

Case study: performance testing in Cross-Country (XC) Skiing

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Two-Time Olympic athlete Brijesh Lawrence joins team INSCYD

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Infographic - Does VO2Max Really matter explanation?

Does VO2max Really Matter – Or Is It Overrated?

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How mid distance running coaches use INSCYD – case study

INSCYD’er and short distance runner Vanessa Scaunet during the European Championships Indoor, Torun 2021. More and more running coaches use INSCYD to create better training programs and race pacing for their athletes. This blog covers the story of Vanessa Scaunet, who was able to switch her running goal from a 2k cross country to an…

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Infographic - How to Increase VO2Max

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Decrease VLamax

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Mesics vs INSCYD: The Best Software For Lactate Tests

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INSCYD integrates Heart Rate in Training Zones

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INSCYD lactate test Alpecin Fenix

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Coach Sofi Marin INSCYD

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INSCYD Training Zone Builder - cycling

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TrainingPeaks vs INSCYD

TrainingPeaks vs INSCYD

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INSCYD user Sarah Gigante

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MESICS VS INSCYD: Die Beste Software Für Laktat-tests

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What is INSCYD

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How triathletes qualify and prepare for IRONMAN Kona

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Double Olympian Brendan Reilly joins INSCYD

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Infographic - Improve Athlete’s Metabolic Profile Key Metrics & Strategies

Improve Your Metabolic Profile: Key Metrics & Strategies

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Riding over 1000 km in 24 hours: what does it take?

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Tabata Workout: The King of HIIT Training

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How to increase fat combustion

3 Training Tips to increase fat combustion

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A good VO2max charts by age, gender, sport and athlete fitness

A Good VO2max Charts by: Age, Gender, Sport and Athlete Fitness

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Breaking the ice of Iceland’s swimming performances

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Performance analysis in swimming

Case study: performance testing in Swimming

This case study is about an 800 meter National Swimmer who is not able to keep up with her teammate during training and racing. Observations and lactate measurements seem to indicate she needs to improve her aerobic energy system, but this turns out to be a false assumption. Read the article and register for the…

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INSCYD partner Triathlon Training Academy

3 Key Metrics Athletes Want to Know: How to Collect and Use Them

As a sports performance coach, you’re well-versed in creating training plans and guiding your athletes to success. However, are you providing them with the metrics they truly crave? Our survey revealed that athletes are highly interested in 3 specific metrics, which most coaches often overlook. Here are these 3 metrics, along with tips on how…

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Dive into the pool of INSCYD testing

How to start using INSCYD

Whether you are an athlete, a coach, a national federation or a lab: starting to use INSCYD is easy and affordable. In this blog we briefly sum up what is necessary to join INSCYD. You are an athlete? Read how you can schedule your first INSCYD test! You are a coach or lab? Read what…

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Lactate threshold graph showing a shift from the lactate curve to the right: a lower lactate concentration at any given exercise intensity.

How To Interpret A Shift In Lactate Curves – The Right Way

Many labs and coaches use lactate threshold graphs to measure progress in their athletes. However, when analyzing a lactate threshold chart, it’s important to know exactly which factors cause a shift in the lactate curve. After reading this article, you will understand why a right shift in the lactate curve can be a bad thing.…

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Combining running power (Stryd) with INSYCD - Sportograf

Use case: INSCYD x Running with (Stryd) power

In this use case, coach and sport scientist Florian Heck shares how he and his runners benefit from combining INSCYD software with (STRYD) running power data. Trail runner Josef. Source: Sportograf Florian Heck, coach and managing director at KickAss Sports, shares his story about testing and coaching an experienced trail runner, using INSCYD and STRYD.…

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INSCYD 2.0 Training Zone Builder

INSCYD launches a revolutionary Training Zone Builder

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Running power with Stryd and INSCYD

Running power: how to add physiological meaning to it

With the arrival of affordable running power meters like Stryd, power has become an important metric in running over the past years. Now it’s time to unlock the power of your running power meter. Previously, power was only a number expressing your output. Today INSCYD links this running power to your individual physiology. The result:…

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Breaking 7 at “La Marmotte” – with INSCYD

Henrik Kraglund on his way to break the 7-hour mark at La Marmotte 2019 There are several badges of honour in the world of endurance sports. For some, it is running a marathon in less than three hours, or qualifying for the Ironman World Championships. For pure cyclists, on the other hand, it can be…

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Track runners how to increase or decrease VLamax

How to increase or decrease VLamax in running

In our previous article, we showed how to find out whether your runner should increase or decrease VLamax. Now it’s time to answers the final question: how to increase or decrease VLamax and How to increase VO2max in the meantime. By Benjamin Tilus Download full article in PDF Ben Tilus, National and State Champion coach…

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improve triathlon swim start

How to improve triathlon swim start

Triathlons are not won while swimming, but can easily be lost in the swim. By understanding your athlete’s physiological response, you learn how to tackle the swim and what to do in training. This boosts confidence and performance, which unlocks race benefits you and your athletes never knew existed. BONUS: Olympic Triathlon Paris use case.…

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Inscyd one test one tree

One test = One tree!

Since august 2020 we proudly work together with Eden Reforestation Projects. For every INSCYD test sold, we plant a tree! By doing so, we try to support the re-forestation of our planet. We are happy to announce we planted over 2500 trees since we started this collaboration.

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Florian Wellbrock Wins Gold at the World Championships 2023

Florian Wellbrock Wins Gold in 2023 World Championships

Florian Wellbrock has continued to make waves in the swimming world with his recent achievements. He pulled away for an 18.7-second win in the Open Water 10K at the World Championships, showcasing his dominance in the sport. This win was Germany’s second in two 10K races in Fukuoka, marking a significant milestone for the country…

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VLamax: Elite Coaches Secret Weapon

VLamax: Elite Coaches Secret Weapon Are you a cyclist looking to sprint faster than Wout van Aert? Or a triathlete dreaming of racing with Jan Frodeno at the next Ironman World Championships? These may be hard goals, but a good way to start working towards them is to understand a very important metric of human…

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How to Train & Run Your Best 5K: 3 Steps for Beginners and Pros

If you’re looking to run your best 5K race, National and State Champion coach Benjamin Tilus has a secret recipe for both beginners and professional runners. Follow these 3 steps to improve your performance and win your next race. Whether you’re a runner or a coach, this comprehensive guide to 5k race training is packed with valuable…

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INSCYD partners with Fast Talk Laboratories

Chris Case and Trevor Connor of Fast Talk Laboratories performing an INSCYD test Salenstein, Switzerland / Boulder, Colorado, USA At INSCYD we celebrate all our new partnerships, and this is one we cannot keep to ourselves. We are happy to announce our new partnership with Fast Talk Laboratories! About Fast Talk and Fast Talk Laboratories…

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mobile VO2 analyzers

How to Calculate and Measure VO2Max: Testing Outside a Lab

Discover how to measure VO2max without visiting a professional lab, utilizing field tests, sports watches, or online calculators. This article explains different ways to measure your VO2max without requiring expensive lab equipment. Let’s explore these methods and their precision in calculating your VO2 max. Image: INSCYD Partner COSMED Spread the knowledge! Share this article with…

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Belgian Hammers – Road to Olympic Mixed Team Relay

The Belgian Triathlon Team Mixed Relay won the Olympic qualifier in Lisbon. As a result, they will compete in the Tokyo Olympics on July 31. What is their formula for success and how do they use INSCYD to create race winning training programs? Read it in this blog. ABOUT THE TRIATHLON MIXED TEAM RELAY Triathlon…

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INSCYD test. Partner: Triathlon Training Academy

INSCYD test: protocol, results, cost and more.

This article covers everything you need to know about the INSCYD testing protocols, test results, testing cost and many more. Let’s start by addressing a common misunderstanding. Image: INSCYD partner Triathlon Training Academy Before we can dive into the INSCYD test, we have to understand what INSCYD is. INSCYD is a software tool that allows…

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Mastering the Monuments

Peter Sagen in Gent-Wevelgem 2018 The spring Classics season is already finished, a moment that always leaves cycling fans with a bit of sadness in their hearts. But for INSCYD and team BORA – hansgrohe the first quarter of the year has been a blast. Watching Peter Sagan winning his first Paris-Roubaix wearing the World…

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Balancing VLamax and VO2max in crit racing

The magic of cycling: a balanced VO2max and VLamax [Podcast]

In this podcast, Colby Pearce and Sebastian Weber talk about the magic of cycling: having a strong aerobic metabolism that burns the lactate, produced by the (anaerobic) glycolytic metabolism. Are you able to recover from repeated accelerations? Colby Pearce during the podcast: “The glycolytic metabolism produces lactate – and a well trained aerobic metabolism consumes…

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INSCYD skiing test

Next level metabolic analysis in XC skiing

Just because INSCYD is well accepted in cycling – with partners like Team Jumbo Visma, Movistar and Alpecin-Fenix – doesn’t mean INSCYD is limited to cycling. In fact, the first INSCYD license purchased ever was in swimming – via the French Institute of Sports INSEP. If you are a coach, test lab or federation, who…

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A high VO2max alone is not good enough!

You can have a VO2max well above 70ml/min/kg, but still perform below expectations. You could even find yourself having a low anaerobic threshold (or FTP) and a low FatMax. That is because a high VO2max alone is not good enough. Here’s an example of a professional cyclist. By Sebastian Weber Swedish cyclist Hannes Bergström Frisk…

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The Ultimate Guide to Running Economy: How to Improve and Measure It

Improving running economy is probably the most efficient way to shave off minutes from your 10k or (half) marathon time. At the same time, it’s an overlooked metric that is often wrongly measured. That’s why it’s time for a change! This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about running economy (RE): from theory…

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INSCYD and Zwift: race stronger by training & testing indoors

Although running, cycling, triathlon – and the majority of other sports – are still performed outdoors, indoor training and (remote) indoor testing are both very popular. Even in the professional world, the digitalization of training software and performance analysis tools are common practice. But take two digital platforms (let’s say INSCYD and Zwift), blend them…

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Track running sprint

Should my Track and Field runner increase or decrease VLamax?

In our previous article about Why the best track and field running coaches look beyond VO2max, we talked about the importance of knowing your athlete’s anaerobic power (VLamax). We showed that having a too low VLamax can easily cost you more than 5 seconds in an 800m race, while a too high VLamax can cost…

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Breaking 5: overcoming the bike split barrier in IRONMAN

McCutchen going sub-5 and improving his Ironman bike split by more than 10 minutes in just 12 months Going sub-5 for the bike leg of an Ironman is a true milestone. Getting even faster after this benchmark is clearly harder, but not impossible. Just look at age–grouper Matthew McCutchen (47) from Aliso Viejo, California. McCutchen…

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Carbohydrate combustion determines pacing and fueling

Race fueling strategies: how to use carbohydrate combustion rates

Carbohydrate and fat combustion rates are among the most important features INSCYD can offer for runners, triathletes, and cyclists. Here’s why: While fat combustion rates are a valid marker to monitor training progress and set training intensity zones, carbohydrate combustion is crucial not only in training – but even more in a race. Carbohydrate storage…

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INSCYD partners with CANYON//SRAM

INSCYD partners with CANYON//SRAM

Salenstein, Switzerland / Leipzig, Germany. July 7th, 2022 INSCYD and CANYON//SRAM have signed a partnership agreement. INSCYD becomes the official performance software supplier of the women’s cycling team CANYON//SRAM. With fifteen riders from eleven different countries, CANYON//SRAM Racing is home to a diverse group of highly ambitious women. The team is currently racing the Giro…

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Mark Turnbull INSCYD coach

Use case: rehabilitation program using INSCYD

James (39) is self-employed, working long hours and having to fit training in around his demanding physical job. His results had plateaued and he was finding it difficult to structure his training and balance his work/life commitments. As a result, he was struggling to improve his performance enough to warrant the time and energy necessary…

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Go Long, Ultra Long, With INSCYD

Want to race or run super long races, like the Race Across America, Cape Epic, Dirty Kanza or the Transcontinental? We’ve got you covered! As Certified Sports Nutritionist Coach Sofi Marin (INSCYD user since 2017) says: “During a 4-hour ride, you can underfuel and get away with it. However, during a 48-hour event, it’s essential…

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two athletes that are running in a triathlon race

Increase Triathlon Performance: 3 Effective but Uncommon Ways

Improving your VO2max or increasing your threshold is a time consuming process that we talk about all the time.  Not this time.  In this article we share 3 training tips that will increase your triathlon performance in a time efficient manner. Are you looking to increase your triathlon performance? Or maybe even preparing yourself for…

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Indoor vs Outdoor testing for Runners: Which is better?

Can you compare indoor lab tests with outdoor field test? The comprehensive results of a complete physiological assessment can help you to plan your training sessions and nutrition more effectively. It’s a necessity for elite runners and it’s even a good idea for recreational runners that are training for a specific time in an upcoming…

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How to Create Highly Effective Interval Training

How to Create Highly Effective Interval Training: 4 Steps

Interval training is a highly effective way to improve your athlete’s performance, enabling to train at intensities that are too high to sustain for a long time. To create an effective interval training program, you need to consider the duration and intensity of both the interval and the recovery. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show…

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Team Alpecin Fenix

Create A Nutrition Plan For Training And Racing

In this post you learn 5 actionable steps to create a nutrition plan for training and racing. In fact, this is the exact process that partners like Alpecin-Deceuninck Cycling Team and the Belgium Triathlon Federation use to create a fueling plan. So if you want to know what and how much you should eat during training and…

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INSCYD partners up with cycling team Corendon-Circus for 2020 season

Salenstein, Switzerland. September 26th. INSCYD — the world’s most advanced software for performance analysis — has signed a three -year contract with the Pro Continental cycling team Corendon-Circus ahead of the next cycling seasons. INSCYD will provide the team with its cutting-edge technology for performance analysis. The team’s Performance Manager Kristof De Kegel — who has…

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For maximum performance: Belgian Cycling partners with INSCYD on a long-term cooperation

Salenstein, Switzerland. June 3rd 2020 . INSCYD and Belgian Cycling have just signed four-year cooperation agreement. This partnership includes all divisions of the national cycling association, i.e., INSCYD will support the disciplines road cycling, mountain biking, cyclocross, BMX and track cycling in their pursuit of maximum performance. Expert education for coaches After a several months long…

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Zone 3 training: sweet spot or grey zone

[Ultimate Guide] Zone 3 Training: Sweet Spot or Grey Zone?

Some refer to zone 3 training as sweet spot training while others call it the grey zone. This article reveals what zone 3 training is and when you should or shouldn’t implement it into your endurance training program. Spread the knowledge! Share this article with your fellow coaches and athletes. Click the share buttons below…

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Can this Junior (VO2max: 96.7) beat a Tour de France winner?

The highest VO2max ever recorded is by Junior World Champion Oskar Svendsen. He scored a whopping 96.7 ml/min/kg. Could he beat a multiple Tour de France winner? A recent scientific study by Dr Reinout Van Schuylenbergh answers this question, using the INSCYD software. The results will surprise you. If you are coaching or testing athletes,…

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INSCYD partner Velocity


Velocity is a new performance-driven indoor cycling app that is designed to make cyclists faster by customizing their training to their physiology. To accomplish this, Velocity will leverage INSCYD’s proprietary software and comprehensive experience with elite athletes to provide riders with their unique metabolic profile. Readers may think of Zwift when hearing “indoor cycling app”,…

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Hand in hand: INSCYD collaborates with famous company Carmichael Training Systems (CTS) to revolutionise performance diagnostics

Salenstein, Switzerland./ Colorado Sprints, USA January 12th, 2021. Two of the most innovative and best performing companies have joined forces. The coaching company Carmichael Training Systems (CTS) brings on board the analysis software and the unique training science tool INSCYD to support their performance diagnostic work. Carmichael Training Systems is the premier destination for world-class…

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(Tägerwilen, Switzerland, 8 March 2019) – INSCYD, the world’s most advanced software for performance analysis, and SEG Racing Academy partnered up for the next three years. Talent Support & Identification SEG Racing Academy is an U23 development team that competes at continental level with the aim of educating and developing riders to the next step.…

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Undercover test: INSCYDs Power-Performance Decoder versus lab gold standard

Exercise Physiologist Tero Joutsen, PhD, rideson the treadmill during a 30min constant load test – the gold standard for validation of the maximum lactate steady state (AKA anaerobic threshold / FTP) Advertising claims are often designed to make more out of products than they actually are. INSCYD’s Power-Performance Decoder (PPD) software doesn’t have a claim.…

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INSCYD metabolic profile in AZUM

Implement INSCYD data in everyday training, by using AZUM

INSCYD users have a clear advantage over their opponents who still work with conventional performance diagnostics. To make the most out of this (metabolic) data, AZUM developed a platform that enables coaches to implement INSCYD data in everyday training. This makes impractical Excel tables or inaccurate training zones a thing of the past. Here are…

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Cyclocross prof Eli Iserbyt talks INSCYD

Eli Iserbyt shares his INSCYD insights

“While everyone is obsessed with power data, INSCYD enables me to go beyond the superficial and understand my body better.” Cyclocross professional Eli Iserbyt shares what he learned from INSCYD and how he puts this into practice. Cyclocross professional Eli Iserbyt shares his INSCYD experience (photo: PhotopressBE) What triggers a 6x Belgian champion, 3x European…

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INSCYD partner Alpecin-Deceuninck Cycling Team

How Power is Composed and Why This Matters

Yes, power has advantages over speed and heart rate. But if you want to fully exploit its potential, you need to know how your running or cycling power is composed. How much power is coming from the aerobic vs the anaerobic energy system? And which fuel source contributes most to your power output? In this…

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