In this webinar we show how to measure the energy cost at a given swimming speed, using simple testing in the pool.
About the webinar
The energy cost at a given speed is decisive for the race performance in swimming.
The methods shown in this webinar are all based on peer reviewed scientific publications. We will show how a face worn VO2 Analyzer ( can be used for this testing at the pool.
You’ll learn how to assess energy cost in swimmers and triathletes, the effect of energy cost on overall performance. Another highlight of this webinar will be the application of the method to determine the energy cost or saving using different garments (swim suits, wetsuits, etc.).
The methods learned here apply for swimmers as well as for triathletes.
Sebastian Weber – head coach in professional endurance sports for more than 12 year.
After his studies of sport science and molecular human biology, Sebastian ran several research projects on muscular energy metabolism and its adaptation to training, before he became the head sport scientist of the T-Mobile professional cycling team at the age of only 28.
Since 2015 Sebastian works as an performance consultant for several national federations, including the french swimming federation. Sebastian ran workshops for the FINA on performance assessment in the pool, is a presenter at the 2018 golden coaches clinic. He is co-Author of the book Science in Swimming by NOVA.