Whether a VO2max of 50 is good depends on your age and gender. Moreover, while average VO2max values tell you something about your health, athletes should compare their VO2max with other athletes, not the general population. That’s why in this article we provide numerous VO2max comparison charts, based on age and gender, for both athletes and nonathletes. BONUS: elite athlete VO2max records.

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Before comparing your VO2max rating with VO2max normative values, first make sure you understand what VO2max is, and how it affects performance.

When you want to know whether your VO2 max is average, good or bad, you need to take age and gender into account. Athletes should also compare their VO2max with other athletes, not the average population.

Before we have a closer look at how sex (male/female), age and sport affect VO2max normative data, let’s first have a look at the VO2max tables.

On average, a good VO2max for men ranges between 30-40 ml/kg/min. Depending on your age, a VO2max above 35 ml/kg/min is considered fit for males.

Men who wonder whether they have a good VO2max can compare their own VO2max with the following norm values by age. Keep in mind that these VO2max scores are for nonathletes. They tell you something about whether your VO2max is healthy, instead of race competitive. Scroll further down this article to get VO2max ranges for male athletes!

VO2max chart for men
Male VO2max classification based on data from scientific literature for nonathletes

VO2max norms for men

Age Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
≤29 ≤ 24.9 25-33.9 34-43.9 44-52.9 53
30-39 ≤ 22.9 23-30.9 31-41.9 42-49.9 50
40-49 ≤ 19.9 20-26.9 27-38.9 39-44.9 45
50-59 ≤ 17.9 18-24.9 25-37.9 36-42.9 43
60-69 ≤ 15.9 16-22.9 23-35.9 36-40.9 41

Male VO2max classification based on data from scientific literature for nonathletes.

On average, a good VO2max for women ranges between 25-35 ml/kg/min. Depending on your age, a VO2max above 30 ml/kg/min is considered fit for females.

Women who want to know whether their VO2max is good for their age can compare their own VO2max with the following VO2max ranges by age. Keep in mind that these VO2max scores are for nonathletes. They tell you something about whether your VO2max is healthy, instead of race competitive. Scroll further down this article to get VO2max ranges for female athletes!

VO2max Chart for woman
Female VO2max classification based on data from scientific literature for nonathletes.

VO2max norms for woman

Age Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
≤29 ≤ 24.9 25-33.9 34-43.9 44-52.9 53
30-39 ≤ 22.9 23-30.9 31-41.9 42-49.9 50
40-49 ≤ 19.9 20-26.9 27-38.9 39-44.9 45
50-59 ≤ 17.9 18-24.9 25-37.9 36-42.9 43
60-69 ≤ 15.9 16-22.9 23-35.9 36-40.9 41

Female VO2max classification based on data from scientific literature for nonathletes. 

When looking at the average relative VO2max scores for children, boys remain level at about 52 ml/kg/min, while girls show a downward slope. This is due to changes in body composition.

Relative VO2max values for children between age 6 and 17. Boys (solid), girls (dashed). [source]

Relative VO2max scores in children do not accurately reflect aerobic performance, since both girls and boys increase their aerobic performance, even though VO2max remains the same (boys) or decreases (girls). That’s why it might be better to look at absolute values.

The average absolute VO2max value of boys and girls remain similar until about age 12. From then on, the difference starts to grow, probably due to changes in body composition and daily physical activity levels.

Absolute VO2max values for children between age 6 and 17. Boys (solid), girls (dashed). [source]

As you noticed, men have higher VO2max values compared to women, for the same age and fitness.

Literature shows that women typically have a VO2max score 15% to 30% below VO2max values of male counterparts. This is partly due to extra body fat and lower hemoglobin concentrations.

However, highly trained female endurance athletes have VO2max values that are much closer to those of highly trained male endurance athletes i.e. only about 10% lower.

Also: the VO2max of physically active females generally exceeds those of sedentary males.

Range of VO2max values for untrained women and men, and female athletes and male athletes.
Range of VO2max values for untrained women and men, and female athletes and male athletes.

When comparing VO2max values, it’s important to note whether you express VO2max in absolute values or relative values.

The difference in VO2max between men and women is largest when looking at absolute VO2max (liters per minute, L/min). The difference becomes smaller when looking at relative VO2max (milliliters per kg body weight per minute, ml/kg/min), and even smaller when expressing aerobic capacity by fat-free body mass (milliliters per kg fat-free body weight per minute, ml/kg FFM/min).

On average VO2max declines roughly 1% per year (0.4 – 0.5 ml/kg) or 10% per decade in adult men and women, starting at the age of 25. Note that this could also be partly caused by an increase in weight, since we’re talking about a VO2max relative to bodyweight.

There’s a difference between sedentary and active individuals: sedentary people lose their maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) twice as fast as active people.

When you maintain a physically active lifestyle and healthy body composition, your average decline can be minimized to about 0.25 ml/kg/min per year. However, you can’t fully prevent an age related decline in aerobic power with aging.

That said, the effect of your physical activity level influences VO2max greater than age per se. As a result, elderly can still increase their VO2max:

After 9 months of endurance training men aged 63 ±3 years were able to significantly increase their VO2max by 19% (from 2.35 L/min to 2.8 L/min). Women aged 64 ± 3 years were able to significantly increase their VO2max by 22% (from 1.36 L/min to 1.66 L/min).

On average, a good VO2max for athletes ranges between 40-60 ml/kg/min.

Athletes who want to know if they have a good VO2max can not rely on previous VO2max charts, because those were based on the general population

When you’re a runner or cyclist, you shouldn’t compare your VO2max to the average VO2max. Instead you should be interested in the VO2max for athletes, preferably per sport.

When using the INSCYD performance software, you automatically see whether your VO2max is low, average, good or high, compared to other athletes in your sport. It takes several things into account:


  • Gender: male vs female
  • Sport: e.g. football players usually have a lower VO2max than XC skiers
  • Fitness level: e.g. recreational, amateur and professional

INSCYD also enables you to create your own VO2max comparison group. For instance when you coach a team. You can easily compare the VO2max values within your team.

VO2max comparison between swimmers
INSCYD performance software enables you to quickly see how well an athlete scores on performance metrics like VO2max. INSCYD performance software automatically ranks your VO2max against a comparison group in the same sport.

For coaches and labs

Elevate Your Coaching with Precision: Book Your Free INSCYD Demo!

Coaches and labs, it’s time to revolutionize the way you measure and interpret VO2max and other critical performance metrics. With INSCYD’s physiological performance software, you can transcend superficial metrics that barely scratch the surface of an athlete’s true potential.

Regardless of the sport, INSCYD empowers you with precise benchmarks, enabling comparisons within the same competitive group, the ability to tailor training programs with precision, and to track progress with unparalleled accuracy.

Book a Free Demo with INSCYD today and experience firsthand how you can elevate your coaching game.



Athletes why train with generic plans when you can have a program tailored to your unique physiology? INSCYD is the key to unlocking your full potential. Find your dedicated INSCYD coach or lab here. 

Already have a coach? Experience INSCYD in action with your coach and redefine your training approach.

Here’s a list of sports, with common VO2max values for athletes, based on the literature. The VO2max tables are separated between male athletes and female athletes and show age ranges.

Representative ranges of VO2max values for male athletes by age and sport.

VO2max for male athletes by age and sport

Sport Age Lower Upper
Skiing (Nordic)20-286594
Track and field (running)18-396085
Speed skating18-245673
Skiing (alpine)18-305768
Ski jumping18-245863
Ice hockey10-305063
Track and field (running)40-754060
Baseball and softball18-324856
Track and field (discus)22-304255
Track and field (shot put)22-304046

Representative ranges of VO2max values for male athletes by age and sport.

VO2max for female athletes by age and sport

Representative ranges of VO2max values for female athletes by age and sport.
Representative ranges of VO2max values for female athletes by age and sport.
Sport Age Lower Upper
Skiing (Nordic)20-286075
Track and field (running)18-395075
Track and field (running)40-753560
Baseball and softball18-325257
Skiing (alpine)18-305055
Speed skating18-244455

Representative ranges of VO2max values for female athletes by age and sport

Elite athletes nearly double the VO2max of a sedentary person (!) Curious about the VO2max world records of professional athletes? Here’s a list of highest VO2max recorded in pro athletes:

VO2max of elite athletes - males

Name Sport VO2max (ml/kg/min)
Oskar SvendsenCycling97.5
Bjørn DæhlieCross-country skiing96.0
Espen Harald BjerkeCross-country skiing96.0
Greg LeMondCycling92.5
Miguel IndurainCycling88.0
Chris FroomeCycling84.6
Lance ArmstrongCycling84.0

VO2max of elite athletes - females

VO2max of elite athletes - females
Name Sport VO2max (ml/kg/min)
Joan BenoitDistance running78.6
Bente SkariCross-country skiing76.6
Flavia OliveiraCycling76.0
Rosa MotaDistance running67.2

Don’t know your VO2max yet? Here’s how to calculate or measure your VO2max – outside a lab. You can now compare your VO2max with the norm VO2max values in the tables of this article.v

Not happy with your current VO2max? No problem! Here’s how to increase your VO2max. Fun fact: the more sedentary you are, the larger the increase in VO2max usually is after training. Untrained people increase their VO2max by 15% to 20% on average, after a 20 week training program. VO2max intervals are one way to do that effectively.

VO2max intervals: what intensity to choose?

Receive a free email which teaches you how to choose your personal, most effective, VO2max interval intensity. Applicable in all sports.

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Download Our Tips to Optimize Performance

If you’re planning on doing VO2max intervals, make sure to choose the right interval intensity. Fill in the form and receive an email with a video that explains you how to determine the VO2max interval intensity.

VO2max intervals: what intensity to choose?

Receive a free email which teaches you how to choose your personal, most effective, VO2max interval intensity. Applicable in all sports.

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Even if you already have a high VO2max, your performance can continue to improve without increasing your VO2max. This got some scientists to wonder whether VO2max actually matters. In summary: it does, but there are more performance metrics that matter.

There is one simple way to learn whether you should be working on your VO2max to improve health and sport performance, or whether you should focus on other physiological aspects. The INSCYD metabolic test answers all these practical questions.

For coaches and labs

Transform Your Athletes' Potential into Peak Performance with INSCYD

Coaches, you’ve seen the charts, understood the impact of VO2max across age, gender, and sports, and recognized the elite levels achieved by the best in the field. Now, it’s your turn to bring this level of excellence to your athletes.

With INSCYD’s advanced performance analytics, you have the power to:

  • Benchmark VO2max against sport-specific standards.
  • Tailor training with precision to each athlete’s unique physiology.
  • Monitor and adapt to the changes as athletes grow and their bodies evolve.

Don’t let your athletes settle for anything less than their absolute best. Book a Free Demo with INSCYD today and experience firsthand how you can elevate your coaching game.



Athletes why train with generic plans when you can have a program tailored to your unique physiology? INSCYD is the key to unlocking your full potential. Find your dedicated INSCYD coach or lab here. 

Already have a coach? Experience INSCYD in action with your coach and redefine your training approach.

Loek Vossen

Human Movement Scientist | Content Marketing and Education